National press review of october, 24th 2019

Information relating to press sector :

National Press Day:

- The Minister for Communication, spokesman of the Government, acting Minister for Culture, Mr. Hassane Rabehi, said on the margins of National Press Day, last Tuesday in Algiers, that the organization of televised debates between candidates, in preparation for the presidential elections of December 12th, will be the responsibility of the Independent National Election Authority (ANIE). In response to a question regarding the prosecution of a journalist, the Minister of Communications noted that "the person concerned and all persons prosecuted in court shall be tried in accordance with the laws of the Republic. The Minister also called on journalists to "be objective and comply with the rules of ethics and professionalism", reported El Moudjahid (P.03) and Horizons (P.03). Minister of Communication urged journalists to advocate for the virtues of dialogue and fight  any manipulation of intox, Horizons (P.03) has reviewed several issues raised by the Minister including the financial problems of some  private press, the granting of state advertising and the oil and gas law.

- On the margins of the National Press Day celebration, In Jijel, four cooperation agreements were signed on Tuesday between representatives of the local press and several doctors regarding a reduction in fees for medical examinations and imagery, reports Ouest Tribune (P.08).

- On the same occasion, a conference was held on Tuesday at Ibn Khaldoune University in Tiaret, stressing the importance of the local press and its role in society, particularly in the era of technological and digital progress. In addition, the Wali of Tébéssa visited, with a delegation of local and military officials, the press center Malek Bennabi to pay tribute tojournalists, announce la Nouvelle République (P.05) and Le Quotidien d'Oran (P.20).

- Speaking on the occasion of National Press Day, which coincided with the 64th anniversary of the newspaper El Moukawama El Djazairia (Algerian Resistance) first publication, the Minister for Moujahidine, Tayeb Zitouni, on Tuesday, welcomed the achievements of journalists during the National Liberation War, calling them "great men of history", reports El Moudjahid (P.13).

-  The wilaya of Constantine and the direction of culture celebrated National Press Day at the military hotel where the wali Abdelsamia Saidoune gave a speech highlighting the role of the journalist, underlines L’Expression (P.24).


- According to a recent press communiqué from the Professional Football League, whose director said he was satisfied with the results of the last meeting with the EPTV managers, the league is preparing to sign an agreement for the next three years with the EPTV, announces Le Rédcateur (P.16)



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