Culture must be given its rightful place in development policies, says Rabehi

Minister of Communication, spokesman of the Government and Acting Minister of Culture Hassane Rabehi called, on Tuesday, during the 11th Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), to "give culture its proper place in the development policies.

In a speech on the sidelines of this Conference, organized under the theme "For the development of current cultural policies in the Islamic world", Rabehi said that "Muslim countries are called upon, more than ever, to give culture its rightful place in development policies and to consider it as one of the citizen's rights."

The minister stressed, in this regard, the need to support creators, encourage investment to promote national culture.

He also emphasized the need to increase training capacities, to promote cooperation in the cultural field and support young talents.

"The preservation of our culture in the context of globalization is a challenge that we must meet, and if adaptation to this modernity is inevitable, we must ensure that we remain committed to our religion, values and beliefs anchored," said the Acting

Culture Minister after welcoming the "relevant choice" of the conference theme.

Rabehi called, in this sense, "to study and value the country's rich heritage."

"The best way to leverage our honourable history is by making it a platform for the future of our youth, through a cultural industry combining authenticity and modernity," he concluded.


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