Cooperations / Multilateral relations

Algeria - Arab Region


Executive program in the area of information between Algeria and Saudi Arabia, signed in Ryad on January 26, 2003.


Cooperation Agreement in the information area between Algeria and Bahrain signed in Manama on September 28, 1987.

Cooperation agreement between the Algerian National Television "ENTV" and Bahrain Television signed on September 28, 1987, in Manama.

Cooperation agreement between the Algerian National Radio "ENRS" and Bahrain Radio, signed on September 28, 1987, in Manama.

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service «APS» Agency and the Bahrain Agency, signed in Manama on September 28, 1987.


Memorandum of Cooperation Agreement between the Public Establishment of the Algerian Radio "EPRS" and the Egyptian Radio, signed in Cairo on November 17, 1991.

Cooperation agreement between the Public Establishment of Algerian Television «EPTV» and the Egyptian Radio and Television Union, signed in Cairo on July 13, 1996.

Cooperation Agreement in the information area between the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Arab Republic of Egypt, signed in Cairo on March 29, 1997 (ratified on May 16, 1998).

Executive program for cooperation in the communication area between Algeria and Egypt for 2005-2007, signed in Cairo on January 12th, 2005.

Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the communication field between Algeria and Egypt, signed in Algiers on March 3rd, 2008.

Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between the Algeria Press Service «APS» and the Egyptian press agency «MENA», signed in Algiers on March 3rd, 2008.

Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of Algeria Government and the Arab Republic Government of Egypt in the fields of radio and television, signed in Cairo on November 13, 2014.

Memorandum of Cooperation between the Algeria Press Service "APS" and the Egyptian press agency "MENA", signed in Cairo on November 13, 2014.

United Arab Emirates :

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria press agency «APS» and the Emirate press agency, signed in Algiers on July 4th, 1985.

Cooperation agreement in the communication area between Algeria and the United Arab Emirates, signed in Algiers on May 3rd, 2006.

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service «APS» agency and the Emirate agency, signed in Algiers on May 3rd, 2006.

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service agency «APS» and the Emirate Press Agency, signed in Algiers on May 8, 2014.


Cooperation agreement between the Algerian National Radio Company «ENRS» and the Iraqi Radio, signed on July 2nd 1985, in Baghdad.

Cooperation Agreement in the information area between Algeria and Iraq, signed on May 29, 1995.

Cooperation agreement between Algeria Press Service «APS» and the Iraqi press agency «INA», signed on September 14, 1997.

Memorandum of Understanding between the Algerian Radio Public Establishment "EPRS" and Iraqi Radio, signed in Algiers on March 26, 1997.

Agreement in the field of television between Algeria and Iraq, signed in Algiers on December 5th, 1998.


Information Cooperation Agreement between Algeria and Jordan, signed in Algiers on May 30, 1996.

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service «APS» agency and the Jordanian press agency «PETRA», signed in Algiers on October 06, 1999.

Executive Program for Cooperation in the Communication field between Algeria and Jordan for 2006-2008, signed in Amman on February 06, 2006.


Agreement in the information field between Algeria and Kuwait, signed in Algiers on December 27, 1981.

Cooperation Agreement of information between the Republic of Algeria Government and the State of Kuwait Government, signed in Kuwait on April 20, 2008 (ratified on 21 March 2012).

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service «APS» and the Kuwaiti Press Agency «KUNA», signed in Algiers on October 21, 2009.

Executive program for cooperation in the information field between Algeria and Kuwait, signed in Kuwait City on October 2nd, 2013.


Cooperation Agreement in the information field between Algeria and Libya, signed in Tripoli on December 09, 1969.

Executive program for cooperation in the information field between Algeria and Libya, signed in Tripoli April 07, 1980.

Cooperation Agreement in the information field between Algeria and Libya, signed in Algiers on June 16, 1987.

Cooperation agreement between the Algerian National Television Company «ENTV», and Libyan Television, signed in Algiers on June 16, 1987.

Cooperation agreement between the Algerian National Radio and the Libyan Radio, signed in Algiers on June 16, 1987.

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service «APS» agency and the Libyan press agency «JANA», signed on June 28, 1988.

Executive Program for Information Cooperation between Algeria and Libya, signed in Syrte on August 06, 2001.

Executive Program for Cooperation in the Communication area between Algeria and Libya, for 2010-2012, signed in Tripoli on February 15, 2010.


Cooperation agreement in the communication area between Algeria and Morocco, signed in Marrakech on January 22, 1989.

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service «APS» agency and the Moroccan agency Maghreb Arab Press «MAP», signed in Marrakech on January 22, 1989.

Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the communication area between Algeria and Morocco, signed in Algiers on March 27, 2012.

Protocol for cooperation in the information, multimedia and technology field exchange between the Algeria Press Service agency «APS» and the Moroccan agency, Maghreb Arab Press «MAP», signed in Algiers on March 27, 2012.


Cooperation Agreement in the information area between Algeria and Mauritania, signed at Nouakchott on April 23rd, 1996 (ratified on April 4, 1998).

Cooperation agreement between the Algeria Press Service «APS» and the Mauritanian press agency «AMI», signed in Algiers on March 09, 2004.

Cooperation agreement between the Public Establishment of the Algerian radio «EPRS» and the Mauritanian radio, signed on December 27, 2004, in Algiers.

Cooperation agreement between the Public Establishment of the Algerian radio «EPRS» and the Mauritanian radio, signed October 21, 2009, in Algiers.

Memorandum of cooperation between Algeria Press Service «APS» and the Mauritanian Information Agency «AMI», signed on September 07, 2014.


Memorandum of understanding between the Algeria Press Service «APS» and the Oman Press Agency, signed on February 26, 2010, in Muscat.


Agreement in the information field between Algeria and Palestine, signed in Algiers 30 July 30, 1996.



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