National press review of december, 29th 2019

Information relating to press sector :


- In a press communiqué sent yesterday to the APS, the Press and Communication Direction at the Presidency of the Republic stated that "the official information made public through the Presidency’s press communiqués, published by the APS and that any information reported outside this channel is to be classified as a propaganda and disinformation and exposes its author to the penalties provided by the laws of the Republic…”. The Presidency has announced, in this regard, the forthcoming accreditation of journalists, in all media, for the coverage of presidential activities, without any excluding” said El-Moudjahid (P.03) and Horizons (P.03), as well as some titles including L'Expression (P.24), Le Soir d'Algérie (P.04), and Le Quotidien d’Oran (P.02).


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