National press review of december, 18th 2019

Information relating to press sector :


- L’Expression (P.05) praised the Minister of Communication, Spokesman of the Government, and Acting Minister of Culture Mr. Hassane Rabehi, recalling that during a critical period that the country has gone through, when members of the government could not show themselves, the Minister of Communication never deserted the field, demonstrating great communication abilities.

- El-Moudjahid (P.02) and Horizons (P.02) report that the Director-General of the EPTV, Mr. Salim Rabahi, and the Director-General of the National Agricultural Mutual Fund, Mr. Cherif Benhabilès, will sign this morning, at Public television headquarters, a trade partnership agreement .

- The role of the secret Algerian Radio in the fight against French colonial propaganda was the subject of a conference, organized the day before yesterday in Tiaret and initiated by the faculty of human and social sciences of the University of Tiaret in collaboration with the Regional Radio of Tiaret, report L'Echo D'Algérie (P.10) and Le jour D'Algérie (P.06).


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