National press review of december, 16th 2019

Information relating to press sector :

Minister activities:

- In an address given yesterday on the occasion of the inauguration of a new television station in Batna, the Minister of Communication, Spokesman of the Government, and Acting Minister of Culture Mr. Hassane Rabehi said that the presidential elections of 12 December were “a precious achievement paving the way for a new era, based on real democracy”. Concerning the sector of communication, the Minister stressed that the efforts made by his department are the realization of the State policy which gives a capital importance to the right of the citizen to accurate information. The Minister also inaugurated a headquarters of the APS and a press center in the downtown of the wilaya of Batna, reflecting the Government’s objective of consolidating local information by providing citizens with the means of information for a quality public service.” , reported El-Moudjahid (P.01-03) and Horizons (P.01-04-24), as well as some titles released today including DK News (P.04), Le Rédacteur (P.04), El-Hayat El-Arabyia, (P.03) La Nation Arabe (P.04), Le Citoyen (P.03), Algérie Confluences (P.04), Les Débats (P.02), L'Echo d'Algérie (P.01) and L'Expression (P.04)


- Saddened by the death of journalist and writer Zerguin Souhil, Minister of Communication, Spokesman of the Government, and Acting Minister of Culture Mr. Hassane Rabehi presents his sincere condolences to all his family and assures them of his support and sympathy, published El-Moudjahid (P.24) and Horizons (P.24).


- Horizons (P.04) points out that since the beginning of the Hirak and the election of the new President of the Republic, the Algerian reader has resumed reading newspapers whose sales have never been better, and this despite the range of choices he has, thanks to the new information technologies.

- El-Moudjahid (P.24) and Horizons (P.24) announce the death yesterday in Algiers at the age of 77 of the journalist and writer Zerguin Souhil, known as Souhil Khaldi and go back on the journalistic background  of this national press icon.




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