National press review of december, 05th 2019

Information relating to press sector :


- El-Moudjahid (P.04), Horizons (P.04) and L'Echo D'Algérie (P.04) indicate that the President of ANIE, Mr. Mohamed Charfi, spoke about the upcoming elections at a national meeting organized by ANIE, under the theme "Role of civil society in the elections of 12 December 2019", yesterday in Algiers, where the spokesman of the Authority, Ali Draâ noted, in his intervention, the role of the media in the success of the electoral process and their importance in raising public awareness of issues concerning  society, Stressing the need for the media to provide fair and relevant information, highlighting freedom of expression, far  from defamation and falsehood and comending the press that "has wisely countered the attacks of the European Parliament".

-  The Algerian Football Federation (FAF) will launch its own television channel "FAF TV", reports Le Soir D'Algérie (P.24).



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