National press review of november, 14th 2019

Information relating to press sector :

Media :

- On the occasion of the celebration of the Month of lights, Rabie El Awel 1441, Quran Radio is organizing, today at 9 a.m., at the Aissa Messaoudi Cultural Centre of the National Radio, a conference in the presence of the Minister of Communication, Mr. Hassane Rabehi and the Minister of Religious Affairs, Mr.Youcef Belmehdi, recalls Horizons (P.02).

- The Audiovisual Regulatory Authority (ARAV) has called on all audiovisual and electronic media, just before the launch of the presidential election campaign, to make an "effective and responsible" contribution to carry out the public service’s mission and apply the principle of equality between candidates, particularly for speaking time on the channels, report several newspapers including El-Moudjahid (P.05) and Horizons (P.04).

- The President of the ANIE, Mohamed Charfi, will carry out  today an inspection of the Audiovisual Centre, which is highly equipped, at the Authority’s headquarters, to inquire about the resources mobilized, before  the draw concerning the distribution of live media expression for  the five candidates in the next presidential election, recalls Horizons (P.04).

- Horizons (P.04) and El-Moudjahid (P.03) evoked the signing of the Ethics Charter for Electoral Practices on Saturday, with the support of political actors, the media and candidates, in order to define the limits to be "not crossed", to a free  expression, and to avoid any  possible slippages.



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