The Minister of Communication, spokesman of the Government, Mr. Hassane RABEHI installs the Sub-committee in charge of the communication strategy of the 19th session of the Mediterranean Games, Oran 2021

The Minister of Communication, Spokesman of the Government, Mr Hassane RABEHI chaired the installation ceremony of the Sub-committee in charge of communication strategy of the 19th session of Mediterranean Games, Oran 2021.

The Minister of Communication, spokesman of the Government, noted that the missions assigned to this sub-committee were defined by the Prime Minister, Chairman of the national committee responsible for the preparation of the 19th session of these games.

In this respect, he stated that this sub-committee is likely  to elaborate a communication strategy which will accompany the organization and progress of the 19th session of the Mediterranean Games, and to implement a communication plan capable of promoting, in an efficient and positive way, the image of Algeria, Reaffirming that communication sector institutions remain at the disposal of the State institutions to make  the event a Mediterranean celebration and a success at all levels, in order to  highlight Algeria’s cultural and tourist wealth.

The Minister of Communication, spokesman of the Government, Mr. Hassane RABEHI, greeted, in the same context, the officials and the representatives of the sector that are members of this committee for their commitment to make of this meeting a success, calling on all members of this subcommittee to ensure, within an organised and complementary framework, synergies so that thay can achieve tasks assigned to them.


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