Minister of Communication, M. Djamel Kaouane visited the province of Tizi Ouzou

Minister of communication, Djamel Kaouane,  visited, yesterday, Saturday 21st October, a working visit in the province of Tizi-Ouzou. Minister chaired commemoration of journalist's murder Smail Yefsah, killed by terrorist hordes in Bab-Ezzouar on October, 18 1993. The ceremony, organized by the association "Défi" of Tala- Amara, consisted of a collection and the deposit of wreaths at the cemetery of Tala-Amara. The Minister assisted, moreover, the projection of a documentary film on the deceased with his family and the 1st Marathon dedicated to the memory of the deceased jointly organized by the "DJS" in collaboration with the association "Défi".


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