Communication Minister advocates promotion of Sino-Arab media cooperation sino-arabe on broadcasting

Communication Minister, Government Spokesperson and Interim Culture Minister, Hassan Rabehi on Thursday advocated “the promotion” of media cooperation between Arab countries and China “to report facts without alteration” and address the challenges threatening stability and State’s sovereignty.

Speaking at the 4th China-Arab States Broadcasting and Television Cooperation Forum, themed “Enhancing cooperation on broadcasting to enrich content creation,” Rabehi referred to “biased information targeting China and Arab countries by distorting and discrediting the choices adopted in order to sow discord and undermine stability.”

In this regard, he called for “the mobilization of media to face the challenges threatening our stability and undermining the sovereignty of our States,” and stressed the need “to promote Sino-Arab media cooperation to report facts, without alteration or falsification, and disseminate the efforts made in the service of development, good governance and democratic practice in our countries.”  

Referring to the next presidential election, scheduled for 12 December, the minister hailed the role played by the Algerian media, notably the Radio and Television corporations.   

Rabehi highly appreciated Chinese news agency Xinhua’s objective coverage of the current positive transformation in Algeria under a participatory process aimed at promoting democracy in our country.

After recalling Algeria’s constant positions in various international and regional fora, like the Arab League, and its permanent commitment to promoting Sino-Arab cooperation, Rabehi affirmed that Algeria was proud of of its honourable historical relations with the People's Republic of China.

Despite the geographical distance, "right human positions promoted, more than 60 years ago, Algerian-Chinese relations based on friendship, trust, respect, solidarity and cooperation,” said Rabehi.

These "privileged" relations have continued to evolve and develop in all fields before being elevated, in 2014, to global strategic relations, he continued.

As a gateway to Africa, Algeria, which officially joined the "Belt and Road" initiative this year, is an "key" partner in strengthening Sino-African cooperation to "boost the road network linking to the continents of the world,” stressed the minister.


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