To the National Football Selection, to the Sports Executives and Official Managers of the National Football Team

You have brought great happiness to all the Algerian people for having won the Africa Cup of Nations of football.

The whole of Algeria pays a warm and grateful tribute to you for your inexhaustible energy, your immense capacity, your enthusiasm, your unparalleled generosity and your sincere desire to defend the national flag with dignity and to brilliantly represent the Algerian youth.

Your unwarranted criticism has not stood up to your self-sacrifice, your sense of responsibility and duty. You have erased all the bad memories and set a path for victory.

Observers praise you, recognize your talents, and celebrate your excellent course.

You have won the friendship, esteem and support of the whole world, and the Algerian people cannot hide the fact that they are very proud to salute in you all the makers of this beautiful victory.

Our warm wishes accompany you to continue your efforts in the service of Algeria.


Hassane RABEHI,

Minister of Communication,  Spokesman of the  Gouvernement


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